High Quality, Full-Service Residential & Commercial Painting Contractor Monterey
Exterior House Painting
Is it time to bring your project to life? We provide our clients with a wide range of contracting services at competitive market rates. If you’re looking for a certified expert for your next project, please get in touch today. We would be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions.
Commercial Painting
When it comes to commercial painting, Stephen G. Ford Painting, Inc. offers high quality and affordable painting services. As a registered and licensed commercial painting contractor, we strive to deliver excellent workmanship in a timely manner.
Interior House Painting
Our clients are our number one priority and we make the effort to ensure that they are completely satisfied with our work. Certain projects require professional attention. Our team is ready to tackle even the most complex projects. Get in touch with us to discover how we can help.
In business for over 51 years as a painting contractor on the Monterey Peninsula.
My father started the business in 1969 out of his home and rented a small garage in Pacific Grove for his equipment. I worked summers with my father learning the trade while working as cart boy at the pacific grove municipal golf course. In 1987 I worked as a cashier at a local grocery store before working full time with my father in 1988. We became partners in 1997. He unfortunately lost his battle with cancer in 2007. He was my best friend and I miss him daily.
Today we have a 2600 sq. ft. shop and office which includes a top of the line spay booth and all of the equipment we need to paint professionally and efficiently. We have 7 work vehicles that are fully stocked to perform many different jobs.
We currently have 16 full time painters and a secretary (my wonderful mother). We take pride in the quality of our work and the relationships we have with our customers.
-Brian Ford
Working Portfolio
Our services also include:
Power Washing, Interior and Exterior Painting , Staining, Lacquer, Epoxy, Garage floors